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Rainbow Cake {and other colorful ideas!}

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Rainbow Cake

I absolutely love both the simplicity & plain out cuteness of this rainbow cake.  It’s as easy as cutting a single layer round cake in half, and then ‘gluing’ the 2 halves together with frosting to make your arc shape.

You can shave the top of the cake if your center has risen a little too much to make it a flat even surface.

Rainbow Cake

Even in inside of this cake is done like a rainbow.  I just took a box of white cake mix, prepared according to the box instructions, and then divided the batter into a few different bowls.  Then, I just colored them with neon food coloring to make vibrant hues – and dolloped the colored batter into a 9″ cake pan. Like so.

Rainbow Cake

After baking, you simply frost the entire cake and pipe on different colored frostings on the top.

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To go a step further, I added marshmallows to one end of my rainbow cake – and what rainbow would be complete without a pot of gold at the end?

Rainbow Cake

I was on Fox 8 news yesterday showing the viewers how to put this cake together – along with a little a viewing of rainbow pancakes.

Here’s the video!


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