Comments on: About Me Where Old Fashioned and Modern Day Collide Tue, 04 Jun 2024 16:10:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Riana Deal A friend shared your FB page with me because she felt I woukd enjoy it. 1. Because I too lost my husband of 21 years 10 1/2 months ago and 2. I love to cook (well I use to before Oct 28)
I to am from NC and found it very comical when you said your addicted to sweet tea because just today I told my daughter (20) that while I may be cutting back on my bread intake (took up walking to get healthy and lose weight but it’s slow coming off so I thought I would jump start by cutting back on some things). But I informed her I would NOT NEVER cut out my sweet tea. Lol
I just spent the about 2 hours exploring your FB Instagram and Web pages. I look forward following along from here on out.
(I also just had to retype this whole msg because it frozen on me and I lost it)

By: Sam @ sugarspunrun Your comment about not being Amish and your kids being socialized despite being homeschooled made me laugh and I just had to comment, I was homeschooled myself and feel like I was always telling people the same thing! This is a sweet little blog you have here, thanks for sharing all these great recipes! 🙂
