Cancelled or Canceled | Difference & Examples
Cancelled and canceled are two different spellings of the past tense of the verb “cancel,” which means “annul,” “revoke,” or “match in force or outcome.” The spelling tends to vary based on the version of English:
- In UK English, “cancelled” (double “l”) is standard.
- In US English, “canceled” (one “l”) is more common.
My vote cancelled/canceled out Dave’s.
Farrah cancelled/canceled the reservation at the restaurant because of a family emergency.
I cancelled/canceled the hotel booking too late and lost my deposit.
“Cancelling” or “canceling”
The same distinction applies to the “-ing” forms of the verb.
- In UK English, “cancelling” (double “l”) is always used.
- In US English, both “canceling” and “cancelling” can be used depending on your preference, but “canceling” is the more common spelling.
Kelly tried to check in online but ended up accidentally cancelling/canceling her booking.
“Cancelation” or “cancellation”
Cancellation (double “l”) is a noun used to refer to an act or instance of canceling something. This is the standard spelling in both UK and US English. While “cancelation” (one “l”) occurs occasionally in US English, it’s rare and best avoided.
We got a late reservation at the restaurant due to a cancellation.
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This Scribbr articleRyan, E. (October 10, 2022). Cancelled or Canceled | Difference & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from