Crystal Light Faulkner

Hey y’all! I’m Crystal, aka ‘Mrs Happy Homemaker & welcome to my little ‘homestead’ on the web!

I’m a blogger – a homesteader – a widow – a mom to 3 – and a self declared biscuit queen.

When I started this website I wasn’t a widow. My husband, Michael, & I were raising our 3 children in my hometown in North Carolina. We ran this blog together. He was the Mr. to the Mrs Happy Homemaker.

Crystal aka Mrs Happy Homemaker with her late husband Michael and their 3 children shortly before he passed away. This is the last picture taken of all 5 members of the family.

He passed away unexpectedly in 2015 at the age of 33 & our entire lives were transformed. My children sadly were the ones to find him when he passed, and I felt like it was a good idea to get them out of the house we lived in and that he died in. Our kids were 5, 14, & 15 at the time.

Three months after he passed away – we packed up and moved to Georgia to be closer to my mother and stepfather. It was so hard to leave my hometown of Asheboro, North Carolina along with my little local tv segment I did on Fox8 News (and I still miss them both terribly), but it was the right thing to do. My kids are exceptionally close to my stepfather, their PawPaw George, and it benefits them tremendously to be so close to them. And, it also benefits me to be this close to them. Family is so important. 

So, here we are now in Chapter 2. Our 3 children (2 daughters and one son) and myself moved to a small & humble home on a couple of acres in North Georgia, 15 minutes from my mother. I call it my homestead.

We raise chickens for eggs & have a giant veggie garden every year. I can, freeze, & dry all our homegrown goodness for the winter & have a dream of one day being self sufficient. The whole homesteading thing gives me starry eyes.

Mrs Happy Homemaker's son shelling peas in the backyard near an old blue and white ford truck

We still struggle, it’s still hard. Losing Michael was a devastating loss to our family and it has changed us forever. But, it has also made us more grateful. We don’t take things for granted like we did before. We try our best to make the most out of every moment. We try to travel more, and spend more time together. We try to make all the memories that we can.

Really embrace this life that God has given us. Life is so short, some are shorter than others – for the remainder of mine, I want to live. Really truly live.

Thank you so much for reading my blog, making my recipes, reading what I have to say, & being my friend. I’m beyond thankful to have you here.

Ok, now let’s loosen up the conversation a little bit with a few fun facts about me!

I’m a North Carolina native – Asheboro is home base! I currently live in North Georgia.

I like to consider myself to be a domestic diva – but minus the diva part.  Unless your definition of a diva walks around in their jammies with their hair in a ponytail 99% of the time. If so, then that’s me all the way.

I homeschool my 3 children. No, I’m not Amish. Yes, my kids are socialized.

I love to cook. I also love to eat.  I don’t love cleaning after I’ve cooked, and ate.

Crystal Light Faulkner

I have a very heavy Southern accent.

I’m addicted to sweet tea. And my Mama’s biscuits.

I was country when country wasn’t cool.

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I love The Judds.  So does my mother.  When I was little, Mama used to fantasize about she & I being the next ‘Judds’.  My mother has a beautiful voice.  However, that dream of hers didn’t last long when it became very clear that my singing could inspire a horror film.

My maiden name is Crystal Light. Yes, like the lemonade. No, I was not named after the drink… It came out a year after I was born. However, I DO believe in Crystal Light because I believe in me 😉

Want another funny name in my family? My grandpa’s name was Buddy Light. I’ll give you one guess to what people would shorten that too…

I’m impatient.

I secretly want to be a Golden Girl.

I love critters. I think I may have been Elly May Clampett in a previous life.

I am a Disney fanatic. Especially when it comes to Lady & the Tramp.

Bo Duke is the sexiest thing ever. Someone tell John Schneider to call me?

Speaking of Lady & the Tramp & Dukes of Hazzard – I collect memorabilia from both. My kids call it my ‘shrines’, but whatever.

I love traveling – especially when there’s some ‘honey hole’ antique shops on the way & some good hole in the wall restaurants too!

I adore to be barefoot. Shoes are overrated.

I LOVE sunrises.

Antiquing & road trips are my favorite things to do. I actually have an antique booth at Ian Henderson’s in Monroe, GA. Row 2, end corner booth!

Most of all, I love posting here at Mrs Happy Homemaker – and I hope that you enjoy my postings as much as I love bringing them to you. I appreciate you taking the time to come visit my little spot on the web. It means the world to me.

xoxo, Crystal

crystal, the mrs

You can email me at –  I’d love to hear from you!!

Like old fashioned snail mail? Me too! You can write me at:

Mrs Happy Homemaker

PO BOX 234

Auburn, GA 30011

You can find Crystal on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, , & Instagram.

Crystal Light Faulkner


  1. Your comment about not being Amish and your kids being socialized despite being homeschooled made me laugh and I just had to comment, I was homeschooled myself and feel like I was always telling people the same thing! This is a sweet little blog you have here, thanks for sharing all these great recipes! 🙂

  2. Riana Deal says:

    A friend shared your FB page with me because she felt I woukd enjoy it. 1. Because I too lost my husband of 21 years 10 1/2 months ago and 2. I love to cook (well I use to before Oct 28)
    I to am from NC and found it very comical when you said your addicted to sweet tea because just today I told my daughter (20) that while I may be cutting back on my bread intake (took up walking to get healthy and lose weight but it’s slow coming off so I thought I would jump start by cutting back on some things). But I informed her I would NOT NEVER cut out my sweet tea. Lol
    I just spent the about 2 hours exploring your FB Instagram and Web pages. I look forward following along from here on out.
    (I also just had to retype this whole msg because it frozen on me and I lost it)

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